About The Annual
The complete three-volume set is donated each year to public and university libraries.
The 2019-20 Poetry Annual
Visit www.sandiegopoetryannual.com to read and download the FREE PDF of the current SDPA — all three volumes. Print copies are also available for purchase — visit the “How to Order” page on the website.
Steve Kowit Poetry Prize
Submission open June 15 – October 15
Our sponsorship makes the Steve Kowit Poetry Prize a reality, celebrating the legacy of a national treasure whose impact reached far beyond our region. The Kowit is open to any poet, anywhere.

Perfomance Poetry DVD project
In 2017, we launched our Performance Poetry DVD project. The videos of Performance Poets will comprise the third separate volume of the annual and will donated to public and university libraries.
Rob Melton Award
Because of our donations to the public bookshelves at libraries, we value the dedication of librarians by sponsoring the Rob Melton Award, named in honor of its first recipient who served at UCSD and curated the Archive of New Poetry. The honor is given for lifetime achievement and awarded periodically.

Partnering with Border Voices Poetry Project
In 2020, SDEAG began partnering with Border Voices Poetry Project on the first joint anthology, Springtime in Paradise, featuring poems from Border Voices classes in public schools and from the teachers of those classes, and from the KSDPA, with additional poems from poets associated with the SDPA, including those who led workshops for the KSDPA.
Border Voices founder Jack Webb served as the principal Editor of the anthology. Michael Klam, Executive Editor of the SDPA, edited the SDEAG portion with Ying Wu, Executive Editor of the KSDPA.
Border Voices Poetry Project is in its 27th year. It is funded, in part, by the San Diego State University Research Foundation.